History of the Drücker Steuerungssysteme
"The key of history is not in history, he is in man," says Théodore Simon Jouffroy.
It is the same for DRÜCKER Steuerungssystemes: Without the people behind it, the company would not be where it is today.
Dirk Kretzinger becomes second managing director
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Facility Asset Management Suite for building and property automation
Introduction of the new Facility Asset Management Suite for building and property automation

Transition to the new vehicle fleet
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DRÜCKER receives AVEVA 2020 partner Award
DRÜCKER is among the world's best 15 partners of Wonderware

The second generation Drücker enters the company
In September 2018, the second generation of the Drücker family entered the company.
Alexander Drücker studied automation technology at FH Esslingen. Afterward, he worked at Siemens Ag as a project engineer for machine tools in technical sales for two years.
Julian Drücker studied at the DHBW Ravensburg / Friedrichshafen electrical engineering. Afterward, he worked at Daimler AG as a software developer and application engineer in engine control unit development for two years.

Drücker becomes Schneider Electric Alliance Partner
Following a long term sucessful collaboration...

Membership of the Erfa-Kreis Industrie 4.0 of the IHK Stuttgart

Appointment to the certified distribution partner of WIN-911 for Germany
WIN-911 is one of the leading providers for a comprehensive real-time alarm display system for Wonderware applications.
Win-911 Enterprise Edition can easily be integrated into your existing SCADA system to monitor alarm states and offers a display function equipped with rich functions using the latest technology.

Renewal of the Siemens Solution Partner Certification
In 2015, the Drücker Steuerungssysteme GmbH was appointed Siemens Solution Partner Automation Drives.

Wonderware Endorsed Partner
In November 2012, Drücker Scheuerungsysteme GmbH was appointed Endorsed Partner.

Drücker Steuerungssysteme GmbH celebrates the 25th anniversary
In May 2010, the 25th anniversary of the company Drücker Steuerungssysteme GmbH was celebrated.

The IT solutions division is sold
The IT solutions division is sold to the company Schmid & Partner in Salach near Göppingen. Schmid & Partner is a computer service provider, which also acts as a sage-KHK dealer.
Schneider Electric System Integrator
The company Drücker Steuerungssysteme GmbH has been successfully certified as Schneider Electric System Integrator.

Moving in the new building
In 2002, the second new building in the Albstrasse 10 was moved into. There are now 1.500sqm workshop and office space available.

VR Innovation Award
Uwe Drücker has developed a globally unique device: "STEPtoWEB" connects the machines in the production hall with communication technology in the office and thus significantly increases the availability of the machines.
The Innovation Award of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken is endowed with € 25,000.

The first STEPtoWEB box is ready
For the first time, STEPtoWEB allows connecting machine controls with the internet via the programming unit interface.

Certification according to ISO 9001
Solution Provider from Siemens
In 1998, the company Drücker control systems became one of the first Siemens Solution Provider for industrial automation.

Foundation of the IT solutions division
In the industry, the still quite young operating system Windows from Microsoft is becoming increasingly important. In order to be able to use this technology faster and better with our customers, the IT solutions division was formed.
With the company KHK, a partnership has been agreed upon, and a modern Windows-based merchandise management system could be offered. The first customers have been acquired and the employee base expanded.
Wonderware system integrator contract
In May 1995, a partnership with ICT-Wonderware was established. The company Drücker became of of the first system integrators in southern Germany. The first projects with the visualization software InTouch on Windows 3.11 were created.

Moving in the new building
In 1995, the first new building in the Kraichgau Strasse 4 was moved into with an area of 630sqm.

Entry into conveying systems
In addition to the manufacturing of controls for the automotive supplier industry, the division of conveying systems was established. This should reduce dependence on the automotive industry.

Conversion into a GmbH
Foundation by Uwe Drücker
The company was founded on 2 May 1985 in Neuhausen / Filder by Uwe Drücker. The first workshop was set up in the Schloßstrasse.
Among the first customers:
- Bosch Leinfelden
- VDO Frankfurt
- Behr Thomson Kornwestheim
In September, the first employee was hired.
In 1986, the first major foreign project was acquired for the battery factory Hoppecke in France
Followed by the move to the larger rooms in the Schurwaldstrasse.
In 1987, the first CAD system "Sigraph-ET" was purchased

© 1985 – 2025 | DRÜCKER Steuerungssysteme GmbH